If you ever wondered what vitamins do, this short video will explain the role of vitamins to you.
If you ever wondered why vitamins ‘don’t work’ for you, that will also be explained.
If you’d like to know more about how the whole body nourishes itself and defends itself against disease, this article explains much of that subject in detail–right down to the cellular level.
With this information, you will be in a much better position to make intelligent choices regarding your own health and wellness.
While the following video is about real versus synthetic Vitamin C (featuring Zenus’s own proprietary whole food vitamin C), it can apply to any vitamin or supplement. It’s a great example of how checking the labels will tell you whether any vitamin is synthetic or actual whole food based.
You’ll also find out why the difference between whole food sourced vitamins and synthetic vitamins is critically important in terms of your health and well-being.