About Us
Mailing Address
1624 S. Mojave Rd., Las Vegas NV 89104
1-702-540-5668 1-800-865-0161

Meet our Founders
Zenus Global Health founders, Doug and Krystyna Widdifield are both successful entrepreneurs and continually “Walk the Talk” throughout their lives. They are prime examples of ‘youth and vitality’ and enjoy good health—based on long-term use of their ‘proprietary’ supplements. As leaders in a worldwide ‘Journey to Wellness’ movement that entails all aspects of life and well-being—they help people of all ages shift their health paradigm—whether it be physical, mental, spiritual, and/or economic. Doug & Krystyna WiddifieldDoug is an educator, health coach, sales trainer, and author of the acclaimed book, “Life or Grave Danger?". Armed with more than 30 years of study and scientific collaboration, Doug has been at the forefront of understanding how the human body performs under the stresses of life and why our bodies live in a delicate battle between wellness and disease—and where nature can help the system find its optimum balance. By applying some basic principles, you and your loved ones can become healthier while avoiding many of the degenerative processes that contribute to premature aging. Krystyna is a licensed cosmetologist, sales administrator, educator, and counsellor—and has worked alongside her husband Doug in the natural health arena for almost 30 years. With modern technology, along with their ‘dream team’ of scientists and health advisors, they’re innovators and continually work to create unique ‘proprietary’ formulations for all health-conscious audiences. They remain committed to this purpose, as this is their passion and life’s work—and they invite you to join Zenus—help others and “make wellness your business“.