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Herbal Tea Detoxifier

Herbal Tea Detoxifier

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Improved Digestion and Regularity

The laxative and bowel-stimulating effects of Turkey Rhubarb Root and Slippery Elm Bark may help improve digestion and promote regular bowel movements.
Slippery Elm Bark's ability to increase fecal bulk and reduce bowel transit time can help alleviate constipation.


The combined effects of Burdock Root, Turkey Rhubarb Root, and Slippery Elm Bark may support the body's natural detoxification processes.
If Cracked Cell Wall Chlorella and cilantro are included in the supplement, they could enhance these effects due to their reputed ability to bind to and facilitate the removal of toxins and heavy metals.

Increased Antioxidant Intake

Sheep Sorrel's high antioxidant content may help protect cells from oxidative stress and inflammation.

Potential Anti-microbial and Anti-inflammatory Effects

Sheep Sorrel's anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic properties may help support the immune system and fight infections.

Improved Nutritional Status

The vitamins and minerals present in Burdock Root and Turkey Rhubarb Root may contribute to improved overall nutritional status.

Potential Long-term Health Benefits

The anti-tumor properties of Sheep Sorrel, along with the general antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of the supplement, may contribute to long-term health benefits, such as reduced risk of chronic diseases.

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  • Charles Rochester, MN

    I caught a "bug" a serious cough resulting in very difficult breathing and spitting up/gagging considerable amounts of mucus from my lungs.
    The chief surgeon prescribed antibiotics for 10 days. The cough never subsided but 2-1/2 months later after taking 2
    caplets of Esseniac Tea TWICE per day for ONLY one week the cough was GONE!!!

  • Mark Nevada

    Since starting the regimen of taking the Esseniac Tea my sugar levels don't ever get that high. Of course they elevate after I eat a meal because I am still diabetic, it hasn't cured diabetes, but what it has done is it it regulates my sugar levels very effectively.

  • Anthony Riverside, CT

    I was diagnosed with rectal cancer. I followed the oncologist protocol of radiation and chemo, but I also took the Esseniac Herbal Tea and Optimum D-Tox daily. This combination blocked all the side effects of chemo. The outcome of the recent pathology report was: "No cancer!" I continue to take the products daily for continued maintenance.


Esseniac Herbal Tea

This amazing formula is derived from an original North American
native remedy that surfaced into the public limelight and became the
center of a political battle that has raged across the region since the

Zenus has developed a unique, proprietary delivery system allowing Esseniac Herbal Tea to be more affordable and more portable while maintaining the total integrity of this amazing formula.

Literally, thousands of users have claimed miraculous recoveries as a
result of this formula; however, laws throughout North America strictly
forbid any specific medical claims.

What are the ingredients and their nutritional values?

Burdock Root: Revered by herbalists from around the world as the
ultimate blood purifier. It is a powerful healing aid and detoxifier. It
is rich in vitamins and minerals and aids in the growth of beneficial
intestinal flora.

Sheep Sorrel: Known to be high in antioxidants. These protect the
cells from free radical damage caused by pollutants and the normal
activity of cell metabolism or destruction. It appears to be
anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-parasitic. It also
seems to be high in anti-tumor properties.

Slippery Elm Bark: The viscous fiber has several beneficial effects
on digestion: 1) it reduces bowel transit time; 2) it absorbs toxins
from the bowel; 3) it increases fecal bulk and dilutes stool materials
thereby reducing stool contact with the intestinal mucosa; and 4) it
enhances beneficial bacteria in the gut and provides an excellent
substrate for bacterial fermentation. Eliminating estrogenic anaerobes
from the gut. It, therefore, maintains its soothing action throughout
the entire digestive system.

Turkey Rhubarb Root: Rene Caisse preferred this variety to the
common rhubarb because its medicinal properties were stronger and the
taste less bitter. The Turkey Rhubarb root contains vitamin A, many of
the B complex, C, and P; calcium, chlorine, copper, iodine, iron,
magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulfur,
and zinc. The rhubarb root exerts a gentle laxative action by
stimulating the secretion of bile into the intestines. It also
stimulates the gall duct to expel toxic waste matter, thus purging the
body of waste bile and food. 

Suggested use:

Each capsule is equivalent to 2 ounces of its liquid counterpart.
Simply twist open a capsule and contents into an empty cup and then add
4-6 ounces of hot (not boiling or microwaved) purified water.

Any benefits received as a result of Esseniac Herbal Tea will be entirely your own personal experience.