The Story of Esseniac - Zenus - Nature's Pharmacy

The Story of Esseniac

shane hunt
  • Esseniac, is a healing tea derived from an original North American native remedy made from Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Slippery Elm Bark, and Turkey Rhubarb Root.  How it came to be is an incredible story!
    It’s important to remember what I’ve said in the video excerpt above. I’ve said it often, if not a thousand times, and will continue to say it. Doctors, drugs, Naturopaths, supplements and medicinal herbs, etc., can not and do not cure or heal. The more you read through this blog, the more you will understand why only the body can heal itself. All we can do is help it to do so.

    In a toxic world, the body’s various defence systems (immune system, endocrine system, digestive system, etc.) can be overwhelmed leading to chronic illnesses and it is here that both modern and ancient therapies can help. But that help is in the form of detoxification measures and helping to strengthen the body’s comprised systems by supplying the missing natural nutrients and minerals the body needs to be able to repair itself and remain healthy.

    If you wonder “why such an elaborate introduction to ‘the story of Esseniac’?”, we are about to enter the medical/political minefield of…


    Essiac, the original Canadian Ojibwan Indian formula

    The story of Essiac goes back 100 years, and though we were the first to bring it to the public market, I had never even heard of it until early 1990. That’s when I received an urgent call that my mom was in a hospital near Vancouver, Canada. She had gone in for a routine minor operation during which the surgeon discovered her gut was riddled with cancer— liver, colon and pancreas. Her oncologist stated that chemo/radiation would be ineffective at this stage and that it was too widespread to treat. She was given a maximum of 6 weeks to live.

    When visiting her I noticed a small bottle at her bedside with a hand-written label that said ‘Essiac’. I asked her what it was and she told me that her brother-in-law (my Uncle) had given it to her and it seemed to be helping her. She had already been on a yucca protocol that we were providing

    Later that same night I was conducting a wellness meeting with about 30 people in Victoria, B.C.                                                                                                                             Several in the group had heard of my mother’s plight and asked me if I had ever heard of Essiac. I was stunned, having just seen a bottle of it at my mother’s bedside table. They explained there was a book just published by a doctor from California called ‘Calling of an Angel‘ that explained the whole story. It was the story of the Canadian nurse Rene Caisse. It turns out ‘Essiac’ is her name spelled backwards.

    It’s a fantastic story. You probably wouldn’t believe me if I told it, but I won’t have to. There’s a 30-minute documentary from the 70s and fortunately, Rene can tell you the story herself. The first part deals with legal battles that were raging in the United States at the time concerning Essiac, but if you want to, skip to 9:14 where the interviews with Rene start. There is another video with much the same content called ‘An Answer to Cancer’ which seems to have suspiciously disappeared at the moment. That one covered her decades long battles with the Canadian Government. I’ll link to it when I find it.

    The Story of Rene Caisse and Essiac


    Rene Caisse (1888-1978) documentary

    Bringing Essiac to the Public Market, early 90s

    In reaching out to my uncle, I found out that he had been successfully treated by Rene Caisse in the 1940’s and was still friends with a lady called Mary McPherson, a long trusted confidant of Rene. In fact Mary was the only other person Rene trusted to make the formula all those years that they worked in the clinic. 

    I drove from Victoria, B.C. to Huntsville, Ontario (About a 3000 mile journey) to see my uncle in Ontario and arrange a meeting with Mary. She kindly wrote down the formula by hand and gave it to me.  While in Ontario I also was fortunate to meet with a friend of Mary who was part of a 4th generation family of herb producers in Ontario that supplied Rene with the herbs for the Essiac formula.

    It’s worth noting that the efficacy of the herbs used in the original Essiac is intrinsically linked to the soil that they were grown in. All plants get their minerals and trace minerals from the soil they are grown in. Plant ‘A’ grown in one location can differ widely compared with the same plant grown in a different location. Apparently, the secret of the Ojibway formula was based on the source of the herbs. And the source Rene used was in a particular area of Ontario, Canada.

    At the time I was working with herbal formulas in both the fields of agriculture and health, so I had factory facilities I was able to use to make about 100 bottles of the formula for my mother and father, who by now was diagnosed with prostate cancer.

    It turned out, however, that both my mother and father were giving away bottles to friends, so in short order the supply was gone. That’s when I decided to go full bore and start producing it commercially, originally calling it ‘Formula E’.

    The trademark for Essiac was owned, at the time, by a pharmaceutical company (Resperin Corporation). Actually, there’s more to the story, a bit of drama with government authorities and some private individuals, but three name changes later (Formula E, Canaid, and now Esseniac), I can honestly say that the Zenus formula is true to the original to the letter. And so, it will remain. I can take no credit. I can only honor Rene by staying true to the formula she passed on and her wish to make it available to all the people of the world.

    There are other products claiming to be Essiac ‘original formula’ and various competitors almost comically warning about counterfeits,


    Mom and Dad

    Sometime later, the astonished doctors, that had previously given my mom a 6 week life sentence, informed my mother that they could find no trace of the cancer. That was the good news. The bad news (in retrospect) was that they could now treat her with a full round of chemotherapy to ‘get rid of any remaining traces’ (that they couldn’t find in the first place). She agreed. And she lived a full two years after her ‘6 weeks to live’ ultimatum. Who knows how long she may have lived without the unnecessary insidious toxic chemotherapy.

    My father, also a cancer victim, stuck with the Essiac program, never deviating, and never accepting offers of chemotherapy. He lived out his life in full remission of cancer.

    It humors me to see that Wikipedia (the ‘anybody can edit’ on-line encyclopedia), chose to dwell on doubts, claims of no testing or proof, claims of harm and making cancer worse and supposed inconsistencies in Rene’s obtaining of the formula in their article on Essiac. Blah, blah, blah. Also, there was absolutely NO entry or biography of Rene Caisse, which I found quite odd. Which brings me to this…

    Enter the Ministry of Health, China

    Shortly after we were making the formula (then called Canaid) available internationally in the early 1990s, I was contacted by the Chinese government asking permission to test Canaid along with our flagship product (called YUCCAN at the time, now Microbiome Boost). ‘Why both?” you may ask.

    Remember what I said in the beginning of this article about the first step in any treatment of debilitating disease, if it is to be successful is a full DETOX? Well, among other things, that’s what the YUCCAN (now Microbiome Boost) does in spades. And so being, it works synergistically with other natural supplements to increase their efficacy. And guess what? The 4 herbs in the original Essiac formula are also each a unique detoxifier in their own right.

    Following is the story of what the Chinese did and why. You’ll also be able to find a complete translation of their $7,000,000 government funded test program linked at the end. This video is an excerpt from the full Microbiome Boost video which you can also watch here.

    So there you have it. The short version of a very long story. I share it with you in honor of Rene Caisse. And Zenus shares her formula with you, unchanged, and made available to all the people of the world as she wished.


    Chinese Research Papers on Esseniac

    Book: ‘Calling of an Angel’, a biography on Rene Caisse

    Book: ‘Clinic of Hope’, The Story of Rene Caisse and Essiac

    Video on Esseniac

    Finally, here is the Zenus video on Esseniac, and with that, there’s nothing more that can be said.

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